Shakyamuni, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, is the founder of the Buddhist religion. He is revered for his attainment of enlightenment. Shakyamuni's life serves as a role model for Buddhists. His renunciation of worldly comforts, pursuit of truth, and selfless service to humanity are sources of inspiration. People pray to him to seek the strength to follow his example.
This elegant gold-plated Medicine Buddha stands at 10cm tall. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, it’s a perfect addition to any spiritual sanctuary. He is depicted sitting with his right hand reaching down to the the Earth (bhumisparsha mudra), symbolizing his enlightenment, while his left hand rests on his lap in a gesture of meditation (dhyana mudra), holding his alms bowl.
Size: 5cm in width; 8cm in length; 10cm in height
Material: Gold-plated Alloy
佛像 释迦牟尼佛 金色 10CM